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Repair Services

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live chat.


Devices Repaired

Repairs speak for themselves, but satisfied customers is what matters.

Broken Screen

We have repaired all kinds of LCD/LED

screens. A screen replacement is

cheaper than you think.

Power Issues

It could be a battery, charge port, or the charger. We test everything to avoid guessing what to repair.

Mac Devices

YES! We can also help you with your apple devices. From hardware to software issues we will get you up and running.

Custom Computer

We have repaired all kinds of LCD/LED

screens. A screen replacement is

cheaper than you think.

Power Issues

It could be a battery, charge port, or the charger. We test everything to avoid guessing what to repair.

Broken Screen

We have repaired all kinds of LCD/LED screens. A screen replacement is cheaper than you think.

Tech Support

We can help you setup software or hardware. Get technical support over the phone, remotely, or on site.

Virus Removal

A virus can be annoying and dangerous. Bring it to us to have the virus removed and better protection added.

Data Recovery

Want all those files back? Chances are we can recover your lost data even if the hard drive was formatted. 

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